Treatment Approaches
How does acupuncture work?
Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of “Yin” and “Yang” of the life force known as “Qi” pronounced “chi.” Illness is to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. Qi is to flow through meridians in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are accessible through 350 acupuncture points in the body.Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations is to bring the energy flow back into normal balance.The stimulation increases blood flow, while at the same time triggering the activity of the body’s natural painkillers.
The NCCIH note that it has been proven to help in cases of:
low back pain
neck pain
knee pain
headache and migraine
In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed several conditions in which they say acupuncture has been proven effective. These include:
high and low blood pressure
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer
painful periods
facial pain
dental pain
reducing the risk of stroke
inducing labor
What to expect
The four pillars (observing, auscultation, question and palpating the patient) are referred to as the four examinations to conduct a holistic view about the chief complain. All the external symptoms communicate the condition of a patient’s interior organs and systems. The information gathered during an exam using the four pillars of diagnosis allows the practitioner to understand the patient as an individual and come up with a treatment plan that addresses and imbalances they have with their Qi — or life force energy. The acupuncturist will offer advice on self-care or other complementary therapies such as medical Tui Na, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, food therapy or Chinese herbs.
Then, the patient will be asked to lie down on their back, front, or one side, depending on where the needles are to be inserted. The acupuncturist should use single-use, disposable, sterile needles. As each needle is inserted, the patient may feel a very brief stinging, heavy, radiation or tingling sensation. Acupuncture is usually relatively painless. The needles will stay in place for between 5 and 30 minutes. The number of treatments needed depend on the individual. A person with a chronic condition may need one to two treatments a week over several months.
Chinese Medicine incorporate several approaches targeted to help patients obtain and maintain health. The following are main therapeutic approaches practiced in clinic.
Gain Health Back, Staying Healthy & Enjoying Life
with a natural and effective way

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been employed as a healthcare modality for over 3000 years. It is recognized by the World Health Organization through extensive trials to effectively treat numerous common medical issues without adverse reaction. Acupuncture is a healing tradition that goes back thousands of years in Chinese history. The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into precise locations in the body to restore proper balance and function of the human body. Acupuncture is not only adopted to improve physical imbalances, but also to adjust mental and emotional issues.

Chinese herbal medicine is the oldest and developed successively practiced medical systems in the world for over 5000 years. Herbal medicine grants the individual to approach healing journey, while acquiring periodic acupuncture treatments. Chinese herbal medicine is focus on the prevention of illness and disease. It is one of the approaches in the comprehensive healing system of Chinese medicine.

Moxibustion is a Chinese medicine treatment approach that adopt the heat of mug-wort to points or meridian to facilitate the unbalanced body back to healing. Moxibustion is a kind of external treatment approach which can be used alone or in combination with acupuncture. The Chinese character of acupuncture literally refer to acupuncture-moxibustion.

Tui Na ​
Tui Na means to pinch and pull to unlock the body’s blockages which originated during the Shang Dynasty around 1700 B.C. Tui Na is used in combine with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the clinic practice of Chinese medicine. The manipulative therapy has the function to unlock the body’s blockages and stimulating the smooth flow of Qi and Blood in the meridians and muscles.

Pediatric Tui Na
Pediatric Tui Na is needle-and-medicine-free treating on infants and young children under seven years old. Pediatric Tui Na has been predominantly practiced in China for thousand years. It is an exclusively attractive option for solving the ailment of young children because it is so gentle and induces no untoward reaction.

Cupping involves attaching vacuumed circular jars or cups on the skin surface to create a negative pressure by suctioning out the air.
The function of cupping is to strength blood circulation, help alleviate pain, remove excess heat and evacuate the toxins lingered inside of the body tissues.

Tai Ji Quan​
No pain, Big gains.
Tai Ji Quan is a combination of martial arts, health exercise and spiritual cultivation rooted in the DAO principles. Tai Ji Quan is based on Yin and Yang theory, therefore, it is smooth, continuous, and round circulated. It has the function of medication in motion, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and aerobic conditioning.

Food Therapy
The food therapy of Chinese Medicine use natural and seasonable food to balance the unbalanced condition. In Chinese medicine, herbs and food are given or cooked following the same principles. Both are usually come from same sources. Chinese nutritional medicine have the function to maintain balanced nutrition through daily diet according to the Five Element theory, Yin and Yang, different season and geographic location. Written more than 2000 years ago, Plain Questions of the Huang Di Nei Jing: On Laws and Times of Organs had already pointed out that grains to nourish, fruit to assist, livestock to benefit, vegetables to supplement and take them in proper proportion to supply energy.